Xflex Beard Oil Application Guide


  • Start by washing your beard with Xflex Beard Shampoo to remove dirt and residues, ensuring the product can act more effectively.
  • Dry your beard by patting it with a towel until it's slightly damp. This helps the oil spread better and penetrate the follicles.


  • Dosage: Apply 2-3 drops of Xflex Beard Oil into the palm of your hand. For longer and thicker beards, increase the amount of oil by 1 or 2 drops.
  • Warming: Rub your hands together to warm the oil, this helps to release the scent and makes the application easier.
  • Distribution: Begin by applying the oil to the lower part of the beard and work upwards, ensuring to cover the entire length of the hairs.
  • Massage: Use your fingers to massage the oil into the skin underneath the beard. This not only nourishes the skin to prevent dryness and flaking but also stimulates circulation for healthy beard growth.
  • Combing: Use a wide-tooth comb to evenly distribute the oil throughout the beard, helping to detangle knots and shape.