• REGENINE is a phytocomplex useful for nourishing and protecting the hair by preventing the loss of shine due to the deposition of limestone and the washout of the color. Ideal for all hair types.

  • L'ALOE VERA è una pianta succulenta nota per il suo gel ricco di nutrienti. Questo gel, estratto dalle sue foglie carnose, è ricco di vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi. Nei prodotti per capelli, l'Aloe Vera idrata intensamente, ripara i danni e promuove la salute del cuoio capelluto.

  • HYALURONIC ACID is a natural polysaccharide with an exceptional ability to retain water, used to hydrate and enhance the elasticity of skin and hair.

  • KERATIN is a protein rich with amino acids, with effective restructuring and restorative characteristics. This ingredient has a deep effect and it perfectly integrates with the hair structure and penetrates in the flakes, completing the internal reconstruction process.

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The Regeneration Therapy is an exclusive Edelstein solution for hair care, enriched with key ingredients like Regenine, Hyaluronic Acid, Aloe Vera, and Keratin. These components harmonize to nourish, hydrate, repair, and restructure the hair, providing protection, brightness, and softness. Ideal for addressing issues such as dullness, dryness, and damage, this treatment is designed for professional use, ensuring high-quality results and a profound transformation of the hair.




Experience a hair transformation with our regenerating shampoo, blending keratin, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, and regenine for resilience and radiance. Preparing strands for the regeneration therapy kit, it addresses weakness and dryness, setting the stage for profound renewal. This blend not only protects but optimizes treatment absorption, marking the beginning of your hair's revitalization journey.




Dive into the restorative power of our regenerating mask, enriched with keratin, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, and regenine. Designed to combat dryness, damage, and dullness, it deeply hydrates and revitalizes, enhancing your hair's strength, elasticity, and shine. A key ally in the regeneration therapy kit, this mask is your step towards achieving rejuvenated, glowing hair, leveraging each ingredient for a transformative effect.
